Body Language in Job Interviews

Is your body language costing you a job? If you want to get hired, it’s very important to pay attention to your body language during an interview! Here are a few tips to help you out:

  1. Although your interview technically starts when you first enter the room with the interviewer, you could bump into the interviewer prior to that without knowing. This is why you need to be on your best behavior the moment you step on company property.
  2. Receptionists are often asked their opinions of people who just came in. Make sure you give a good impression from the beginning. Greet the receptionist, introduce yourself, then take a seat and wait for the interviewer to come in.
  3. Once your name is called out, shake your interviewer’s hand confidently. Don’t be overly aggressive with your handshake and don’t take away your hand away immediately.
  4. When you’re asked to sit again, make sure to sit up straight and keep your chest area open. This sends a signal that you’re open to communication.
  5. When talking and answering the interviewer’s questions, maintain eye contact and try not to move your hands all the time. Instead, show that you’re focused, calm, and confident.
  6. Once you’re done with the interview, stand up smoothly, smile, thank the interviewer for his or her time, and then wait for the interviewer to show you the way out.
  7. On your way out, don’t forget to thank the people who guided you to the interview room or helped you in any way, such as the receptionist.
  8. Once the face-to-face interview is over, it is customary to follow up by sending a brief, polite, “thank you” email to the person who interviewed you.

Job Search Tips & Strategies

Finding a job is more than just trial and error! If you would like to finally get a job that you love, one that’s a good fit for your skills and personality, follow these tips before you start scheduling interviews:

1.  Prepare or update your resume.  This will remind you of your skill base.

2.  Find your niche by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Where do I want to work? Determine your target location.
  • What industry interests me the most?
  • What company profiles am I looking for?
  • Where do I want to be in a few years?
  • What are my salary expectations?

Also check how the job market is doing; see what type of companies are hiring, which industries are booming, etc. You might want to identify your target industry’s key players as well.

     3.  Use your networking skills & start applying.

  • Utilize job alerts. Subscribe to the news feed of companies you want to work for.
  • Use social media sites such as LinkedIn, facebook, Twitter, or even company blogs to connect to recruiters or hiring managers.
  • Sign up on job boards and check them every week to see what’s new.
  • Ask people within your social circle (friends and friends of friends) if they know of any openings in the companies you’re researching.
  • Contact your University’s career center.
  • Call up a local or international recruitment agency.

[Search Path Arabia is an international recruitment agency. Share your career goals with us at: ]

What Distinguishes SearchPath Arabia from other Recruitment Agencies in the Middle East

SearchPath Arabia is a Talent acquisition professional services firm whose consultants bring more than twenty years of experience in Talent acquisition and development to our extensive client list, which includes major multinational and prominent local companies with offices throughout the Middle East and Africa.
What sets us apart:
  • SearchPath Arabia specializes in marketing communications, but we recruit across a wide range of industries and disciplines.
  • As a member of the SearchPath International network, we can harness the efforts of hundreds of recruiters worldwide in pursuit of the right Talent for your company.
  • SearchPath Arabia consultants bring a combination of education, worldwide contacts, and real-world experience to their pursuit and management of Talent for client companies.
  • SearchPath Arabia consultants have extensive experience in Talent acquisition and development in the marketing communications field.
  • SearchPath Arabia is part of SearchPath International, a publicly traded, US based, rapidly growing Talent acquisition firm. We can leverage our global network of offices and affiliates to help clients across multiplel practice areas and industries, and to search for candidates in different regions of the world.
  • SearchPath Arabia consultants hold advanced degrees and certifications from institutions in Europe, North America and the Middle East, reflecting our desire to apply the best theories of human capital management to benefit our client companies. We are also a registered recruiter at multiple leading North American and Middle Eastern universities, allowing us to identify and attract exceptional Arab-speaking graduates to client companies across the region.

Need help with your recruitment process? Our Consultants are available at: +961-1-964580.

The Truth about Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

By definition, recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a customer-oriented solution that provides a wide spectrum of manpower, expertise, tools, technology and processes to expand the clients’ own recruitment capabilities.

Many Human Resources Managers find themselves hesitant when it comes to outsourcing their company’s recruitment process. The main reason is the large number of misconceptions regarding RPO:

  • RPO is too expensive
  • RPO can distract my team
  • RPO is a long and complicated process

Here is what we have to say about it:

1. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is not too expensive. It actually reduces recruitment costs significantly. When outsourcing recruitment to a dedicated team, the company can save on agency fees, advertising fees, employee referral fees, job board costs, candidate communication costs, travel expenses, and relocation costs – not to mention the “hidden” costs associated with overhead and administrative support.

2.  Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) helps your team focus on their HR core activities. Without RPO, HR employees are asked to juggle recruiting tasks on top of their daily routine. The result is a slower, error-prone work flow, increased stress, and loss of motivation. However, with RPO, a company no longer needs to advertise, interview, overload its HR staff with additional tasks, or go through a rigorous, resource-consuming process. Recruitment professionals assume responsibility for finding qualified candidates – for all assignments – within a short period of time. Meanwhile, the HR Department can focus on its existing staff development needs.

3. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is not a lengthy or complicated process. RPO actually proves to be both time-saving and effective because the full scope of recruiting tasks is taken care of by qualified professionals. Each position/hire receives the time and attention it needs. The beauty of this model is that it is very flexible and scalable to work within various client acquisition requirements. It can be set up to manage an organization’s total recruitment function or cater to specific or partial assignments. Some clients use the service to improve their ability to attract talent for specialized functions, i.e., marketing, financial, technical, etc., while others use RPO to seek help addressing regional or international needs for locations in other markets and countries.